
Specific Controlled Food

(Category 1)

Prescribed Food to have Quality or Standard

(Category 2)

Prescribed Food to have Label

(Category 3)

General Food or Other Food


Apply by form Orr. 6 and form Orr. 17

Apply by form

Orr. 6

and form Sor Bor. 5

except for “Royal Jelly and Royal Jelly Products” apply by form Sor

Bor. 3

Apply by form Orr. 6 and form Sor Bor. 5 except for “Special Purposed Food” and “Garlic Products” apply by form Sor Bor. 3

Apply by form Orr. 6 only and food serial number is not required except for general foods derived from Food Obtained Through Certain Techniques of Genetic Modification/ Genetic Engineering.

Producers which premise are not recognizes as factory.

Apply by form Sor Bor. 1 and form Sor Bor. 3

Apply by form Sor Bor. 1 and Sor Bor. 5 except for Honey, Soybean Milk, Iodized Table Salt while “Royal Jelly and Royal Jelly Products apply by form Sor Bor. 3

Apply by form Sor Bor. 1 and form Sor Bor. 5 except for “Special Purposed Food” and “Garlic Products” apply by form Sor Bor. 3

Do not require to apply by any forms and food serial number is not required except for general foods derived from Food Obtained Through Certain Techniques of Genetic Modification/ Genetic Engineering.

Manufactures which premise are factory.

Apply by form Orr. 1 and form Orr. 17

Apply by form Orr. 1 and form Sor Bor. 5 except for “Royal Jelly

Apply by form Orr. 1 and form Sor Bor. 5 except for “Special

Apply by form Orr. 1 only and food serial number is not

and Royal Jelly Products “apply by form Sor Bor.


Purposed Food” and “Garlic Products” apply by form Sor Bor.


required except for general foods derived from Food Obtained Through Certain Techniques of Genetic Modification/ Genetic Engineering.

Notes: Application by any forms shall be accompanied by the required document of each form.

  • Imported foods shall be accompanied by related documents to recipe, production process, and product specification from foreign manufacturers, for food in group 1 including Royal Jelly and Royal Jelly Products, Garlic Products, Special Purposed Food, those mentioned documents shall also be submitted with the application.
  •  For importaion of foods, certificate of manufacturing premise with accurate details follow to the notification of the Food and Drug Administration, Re: Certificate of Manufacturing premise for Food Importation at Import- Export Inspection Division of Food and Drug Administration Check Point Station.